Making Dua: The Do's and Don'ts | Islamic Wall Art with Prophet's Dua
Making Dua: The Do's and Don'ts | Islamic Wall Art with The Most Frequent Dua of The Prophet (PBUH)
The image above shows the Islamic wall art of Dua Rabbana Atina, in navy Islamic pattern (click here to view product)
Islamic wall art that contains dua serves as a reminder for Muslims to memorize and say dua all the time. The smart Muslim seizes every opportunity and every time to supplicate to Allah (SWT) seeking the best of this world and the hereafter. That is why many Muslim homes have Islamic decor and Islamic wall art that contains dua, especially dua from Quran in elegant Arabic calligraphy to decorate their walls. Supplication (or dua) is one of the most honorable acts of worship that demonstrates monotheism, and submission only to Allah (SWT).
This article will demonstrate the form of dua Allah (SWT) discouraged, and what dua Allah (SWT) praised and encouraged, and what was the most frequent dua of The Prophet (PBUH)
Making dua: The do’s and don'ts according to Quran and Sunnah
The image above shows the Islamic wall art of Dua Rabbana Atina, in grey and red Arabesque design (click here to view product)
In this article, we will discuss the dos and don'ts of making dua in light of Surah Al-Baqarah verses 200, 201, and 202.
Surah Al-Baqarah : verse 200
Meaning: And when you have completed your rites, remember Allah like your [previous] remembrance of your fathers or with [much] greater remembrance. And among the people is he who says, "Our Lord, give us in this world," and he will have in the Hereafter no share.
Ibn Kathir quoted Ata Ibn Abi Rabah's explanation that just as children always remember their parents, you also remember Allah SWT after completing Hajj. It is narrated that during the Hajj, the time of Jahiliyyah, they used to sit together and say to each other that my father was a hospitable person. He used to feed (the poor), help others (end their disputes, with his money), pay the Diyah (i.e., blood money),' and so forth. Therefore, Allah Subhanahu Ta'ala has encouraged them to remember Allah more than the remembrance of their forefathers.
The image above shows the Islamic wall art of Dua Rabbana Atina, in pastel watercolor design (click here to view product)
Another explanation found that, After the Hajj, the Arabs used to hold a fair at Mina and commemorate the achievements of their ancestors. Muslims are told that after completing the Hajj on the 10th of Dhul-Hajj by stoning, shaking the head, and performing the Tawaf of the Kaaba and the Saafa-Marwa Sai, during the three days that you stay in Mina, remember Allah very much there. For example, you remember your forefathers during the Jahili period. (Tafseer Ahsanul Bayan)
Therefore, it is always encouraged to remember Allah, the Exalted and Ever High. Allah SWT encourages remembering Him before calling Him in supplication because doing so increases the likelihood that the request will be granted. Allah also chastises people who solely ask Him for help with issues related to this life and overlook issues related to the Hereafter.. Allah SWT said:
(However, some among mankind say, "Our Lord! Give us (Your rewards) in this world, for such there will be no reward in the Hereafter.) i.e., they are not included in the In the hereafter. Those who read this critique will be deterred from copying those who were mentioned.
Surah Al-Baqarah : verse 201
Meaning: But among them is he who says, "Our Lord, give us in this world [that which is] good and in the Hereafter [that which is] good and protect us from the punishment of the Fire."
Allah immediately revealed:
Surah Al-Baqarah : verse 202
Meaning: Those will have a share of what they have earned, and Allah is swift in account.
Therefore, Allah SWT appreciated those who made requests for both this life's affairs and the hereafter.
The most frequent dua of The Prophet Muhammad PBUH:
The image above shows the Islamic wall art of Dua Rabbana Atina, in grey and beige Islamic pattern (click here to view product)
Anas Ibn Malik reported that the most frequent invocation of The Prophet PBUH was: "O Allah! Give to us in the world that which is good and in the Hereafter that which is good, and save us from the torment of the Fire." (Sahih al-Bukhari 6389)
So Anas Ibn Malik himself used to recite that verse as a prayer when he prayed. Even if someone asked him for a prayer, he would give it to him. Once he commented, Allah has united in this prayer all the blessings of the world and the hereafter and the prayer of salvation from hell.
Once the Messenger of Allah PBUH went to see a patient. He saw that the patient was completely emaciated. The Prophet PBUH asked him, did you pray to Allah? He offered, yes. I prayed to Allah, O Allah! Please give me the punishment of my hereafter in this world. The Prophet PBUH was surprised and said, 'Subhanallah! Does anyone have the ability to bear the punishment of Allah? You continue to pray this prayer from now on, "Rabbana atina fid-dunya hasanatan wa fil 'akhirati hasanatan waqina 'adhaban-nar." It was seen that with the blessing of this prayer, Allah gave him healing. - Tafseer Ahsanul Bayan
In another narration, the Prophet PBUH used to make the above supplication between ِAr-Rukn Al-Yamani (south-west corner of Kaaba) and Ar-Rukn Al-Aswad (south corner of Kaaba). So it is Sunnah to recite this dua during the Tawaf of Hajj and Umrah. - (Abu Dawud: 1892)
People always imagine and speculate about the world and the hereafter. There is nothing beyond that. Allah SWT has told us how the movement of people should be in these two worlds. Allah SWT taught the Prophet Muhammad PBUH how the Ummah will achieve success in both worlds that means in the world and hereafter. How you can live well, you can live happily.
How a believing servant should pray to Allah SWT, seeking goodness, is taught here in this form. Because asking for help is a worship of Allah. And this is the Dua for the welfare of this world and the hereafter.
Due to its short length and ease of memorization, this powerful dua can be recited in daily life with ease. Anas Ibn Malik narrates that the Prophet Mohammad SAW used to recite this Dua most of the time. (Sahih Muslim: 6841)
As an Ummah, we should all do more of the work done by the Prophet Muhammad PBUH, because if we follow the path shown by the Prophet PBUH then he will intercede for us on the day of Resurrection.
Verse 201 of Surah Al-Baqarah was mainly recited by the Holy Prophet (SAW) more often. The verse is therefore called the greatest supplication of the Holy Quran.
If you can't recall the entire Dua e Qunoot, you can recite this dua Rabbana Atina in place of Dua Qunoot during the Isha prayer.
Dua Meaning of Rabbana atina fid-dunya hasanatan wa fil 'akhirati hasanatan:
The image above shows the Islamic wall art of Dua Rabbana Atina, in beige Arabesque design (click here to view product)
رَبَّنَا آتِنَا فِي الدُّنْيَا حَسَنَةً وَفِي الآخِرَةِ حَسَنَةً وَقِنَا عَذَابَ النَّارِ
Pronunciation: Rabbana atina fid-dunya hasanatan wa fil 'akhirati hasanatan waqina 'adhaban-nar
Meaning: "Our Lord, give us in this world [that which is] good and in the Hereafter [that which is] good and protect us from the punishment of the Fire."- (Surah Al-Baqarah, 2:201)
All the good aspects of this world are included in the supplication that is mentioned and acknowledged in the Ayah, and it seeks refuge from all kinds of evil. The pleasure of this life includes all material needs for happiness, including roomy housing, amicable mates, plenty of food, beneficial knowledge, good work or acts, better infrastructure, and good commendation, all of which the Tafsir scholars have emphasized regarding this topic. All of these are only a small portion of the good that is desired in this life. The best consequence for the Hereafter is to obtain Paradise, which also includes getting refuge from the worst horror at the gathering place. It also refers to receiving various blessings in the Hereafter and being gently questioned.
One of the most prominent duas for protection and salvation from Hell is, "O Allah, grant us goodwill or righteousness in the world and in the Hereafter and save us from the Fire."
This dua makes it quite obvious that the supplicant is requesting protection from Hell as well as success in this life and the Hereafter.
Explanation of “Hasanah” word
The image above shows the Islamic wall art of Dua Rabbana Atina, in blue and red Arabesque design (click here to view product)
An important and interesting part of the mentioned dua is the word 'Hasanah'. In English it means happiness, well-being etc. Allah Subhanahu Ta’ala has used the word Hasana for this world and also for the hereafter.
Allama Alusi, in tafseer "Ruh al-Ma`ani" quoted several explanations by sahabah for the word "hasanah": Ali ibn Abi Talib went on to explain the Hasana of the world, saying, the righteous wife. Ibn Umar said, good children and popularity. Qatada said, good health and adequate sustenance. Hasan said, religious knowledge and worship. Suddi (RA) said, beneficial wealth. Jafar said, the proximity of the elderly.
Al-Alusi after quoting the above explanations commented, 'Hasana is actually a broad term. A specific aspect or instrument of welfare and happiness is not intended here. Rather overall and complete happiness and well-being will be the objective here. Our predecessors, the mufassirin, did not offer the above opinions to specify the interpretation of the Hasanah. Rather, they have given examples to make it easier to understand.- (Tafseer Ahsanul Bayan)
In short, the hasana of the world and the hasana of the hereafter mean that all the needs of people in this world and the hereafter are fulfilled and they have happiness, peace and comfort in both lives.
Lessons from this Dua:

The image above shows the Islamic wall art of Dua Rabbana Atina, in blue Arabesque design (click here to view product)
Humans are divided into three categories based on the purpose of life. Namely:
- Some people consider the world as the only goal in life. Happiness, peace, wealth, honor, prestige etc. are the only goals of their life in the life of the world. They do everything for the sake of the world. Even if they pray, perform hajj, do zikir, recite tasbeeh, pray, they do it for the world. If they hear and recite this tasbeeh, wealth will increase, they practice it with interest. But if they read this tasbeeh after hearing that Allah will agree or they will be saved from hell, then they do not feel any interest in doing this deed.
- Some people want the happiness of this world and also want the happiness of the hereafter. They work hard for this world and also work hard for the hereafter. However, the life and happiness of the hereafter is the main thing for them. If the world is damaged in order to fix the hereafter, they accept the damage of the world and keep the hereafter fixed. They are not willing to destroy the hereafter for the happiness of this world. Yes, they are interested in attaining as much happiness and peace as possible in this world while keeping the Hereafter in mind.
- Some people deny the happiness and peace of the world. They are not willing to do anything for the world. Even praying to Allah for the happiness of the world is looked down upon. They consider it contrary to piety to ask God for anything in the world.
The above supplication in the Holy Qur'an teaches us to be moderate as described above, separate from the marginal two classes described above. This prayer teaches us to get out of the two types of narrow thinking described above and cultivate the free thinking described in number two.
To set worldly happiness as the only goal or to give priority to it will be the worst decision of human life. Surah Baqarah verse 200 condemning only worldly gain and desire says, 'Those who do such things will not get anything in the Hereafter.'
However, denying the world completely, denying the needs of the world etc. will also be abandoning the Sunnah of the Prophets. Because the Prophets prayed to Allah for children, got married, encouraged people to earn lawfully.
Those who prioritize the happiness and peace of the Hereafter and adopt lawful means to fulfill the needs of this world and pray to Allah to fulfill all the needs of both worlds, 'they will be rewarded for their deeds (in the world-afterlife)' - Surah Baqarah: 202